Archive for The Windup Space

Very cool music video shot in Baltimore

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on October 8, 2009 by cvalenzuela

I was checking out some of Sam Sessa’s Midnight Sun recent blog posts and came across this little gem he posted about a week ago.

It’s about a music video made by the electro-pop group Lazerbitch called “Coquette” that’s shot entirely in Baltimore. The video consists of singer Libby Picken walking along the streets of Baltimore committing several hilarious crimes, including a felony (grand theft auto), and acts of just plain rudeness with the utmost of apathy while singing and dancing.

Here’s the video if you’re too lazy to click on Sam’s blog link (my favorite part is when she grabs a girl’s ice cream cone and immediately shoves it into a dude’s face):

What makes this video so entertaining, other than the music itself, is the creativity of it all. Okay yeah, I’ve seen numerous music videos consisting of the singer or band walking down a street with the camera in front. But, the things Picken does while walking are the kind of things I wish I could do while I’m strolling along a city sidewalk. I mean, imagine if she actually did those things in real life. She probably would’ve been laid out by that girl she took the purse from in the very beginning.

I also like the fact it was shot in streets that I’ve actually driven on like North Avenue. And I’m sure some of you have been to or at least heard of the bar The Windup Space which is where she ends up on the stage of near the end of the video.

I definitely agree with Sam. This is a very funny local music video.