Improv performances? I like it

The Towerlight had a pretty interesting article earlier this week about the jazz division of Towson University’s music department. They started a series of concerts based primarily on improv. So basically, a performer gets on stage, takes his/her seat, and just starts playing their instrument at their heart’s content.

Anything can happen. Whether it be a horrible dud or complete brilliance. And I love it.

Don’t get me wrong. I can appreciate music that’s been well-rehearsed and the musicians that have worked their butts off to make their performances as perfect as they can possibly be. But, the idea of raw, uncensored music just makes my mouth water.

It makes me think of freestyle rap. Everything that comes out of a freestyling rapper’s mouth is pure.

They think about what they’re going to spit out for a millisecond before they actually let it out. There’s nothing to think about. It’s all about disproving doubt. It’s kind of like a boxing bout. Except in this case there’s no loser, nobody will actually pout. I’m sure someone will probably shout. But, the most important thing is what the music is all about.

Err, sorry. I got a little carried away with this topic, my friends. But wait, what was the whole point of this post again?

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